When we think of superheroes, we often think comic characters with superhuman abilities like Spiderman (can shoot webs and regenerate), the Hulk (turns green and gigantic), and Wonder Woman (superhuman strength, speed, flight, healing, and semi-immortality). Each of these heroic individuals was born with or obtained special abilities commonly referred to as Superpowers.
These superheroes, and many others, weren't born with super strength nor did they acquire spidey-senses from a spider bite. Collectively they saved countless lives and did it all with the same mundane mortality as the rest of us. What did it take? Billions of dollars and a dedicated purpose and mission.
Super Bat Dexter
Batman's superpowers arose from his vigilante mission of stopping at no length to avenge the death of his parents and fight crime everywhere in Gotham. He cared for this mission so deeply that he dedicated his life to training himself physically and mentally, and even drew power from his bat-inspired persona. After watching his parents be murdered by petty thief Joe Chill, no one could have swayed Bruce Wayne from this path of justice.
More than his physical strength, his crafty intellect, his bat-inspired gadgets, or his philanthropic lifestyle, Batman's superpower was his determination, persistence, and insatiable hunger for justice.
Superheroes like Batman are examples of near-mortal/near-normal superheroes whose superpowers extended well beyond their physical and mental capabilities. Like Batman, each of you has superpowers, too.
I truly believe this strategy is effective as there is often a difference between how you view yourself and how others view you. Combining the feedback can provide you with a good pool of superpowers and a new insights into the way you are portrayed to others.
Embrace your mission, your why, and your superpowers. Double down, strengthen them. Be like Batman. Work tirelessly to hone your superpowers so that you can make a difference. These traits set you apart and make you a unique job candidate, friend, and partner. Intertwine your superpowers into your resume, your LinkedIn, and your experiences. These themes strengthen your pedigree and help other better understand who you actually are and what you can bring.
Curiously, though, Dexter in the Dark takes a bit of a departure from the previous books: it introduces what can only be called a supernatural element to the storyline, as is clear from the very first chapter.
Dexter Lumis left Maryse unharmed as she left the ring in agony and disgust. The Miz would later confront DX members Shawn Michaels, X-Pac, and Road Dogg. The latter stated that if The Miz beats Lumis next week, then the former NXT star will be gone. If Lumis wins, then he will officially become a WWE superstar.
Cats are cool. I know that. You know that. Everyone knows that. They're even cooler when they're riding a black jet armed with an arsenal of weaponry and freakishly cool gadgetry like enhanced gloves and sleek bikes and a junkyard with a secret underground base. We learnt that prolonged exposure to a certain amount of g-force rendered you unconscious, and we learnt not to be a suck up and be blind idiots obeying every order from superiors like Feral hands over to us. Cats are cool. SWAT Kats in super jets and super bikes? Waay cooler.
Who can forget that little spinach eating 'sailor-man' known as Popeye? Everyone one of as a kid wanted to be strong and healthy. When we saw that this little runt could do wonders after gulping down nothing except a can of spinach, we were awestruck, and thought it was worth the sacrifice. And we learnt the truth- spinach does not make you super strong. It simply does not. Yet another hard-earned lesson worthy of taking to the grave. 2ff7e9595c